Social Responsibility

John Jordan believes successful small businesses should play an active role in improving the lives of our most vulnerable fellow citizens. A significant portion of the revenue from Jordan Winery funds the John Jordan Foundation.
VOICES – A JJF Charity Focus

Support from the John Jordan Foundation has enabled VOICES’ success, evidenced by excellent progress made toward the program’s proposed goals. Following is a summary of those goals and the achieved results.
Providing Flexible Operating Investments to Non-profits – JJF Supports The YWCA

When the Foundation supports a program or organization, we consider it an investment in our future. In that regard, we ensure every dollar we donate is used wisely, responsibly, and transparently for ultimate effectiveness. The Foundation is committed to providing flexible operating investments to non-profits with a proven track record of fiscal responsibility and positive outcomes.
JJF Invests as a founder in The College Tee Project

This simple idea has grown into what is today the College Tee Project, which last year alone worked to supply hundreds of 2nd graders throughout Sonoma County, California with a college t-shirt and note from college graduates.