JJF’s Five-Year Partnership with the Career Technical Education Foundation

$250,000 committed over five years

STEM CTE Programs $170,000

In partnership with the County of Sonoma, the Foundation funding seeded the development of five new Engineering and Design programs across the county:

  • Project Make – Analy
  • Applied Physics Make – Piner High School
  • Engineering – Windsor High School
  • Engineering – Petaluma High School
  • Engineering – Sonoma Valley High School


  • Approximately 650 students enrolled and are benefitting from these programs
  • Four of the five programs are or will be sustained and ongoing by their Districts
  • Four of the five programs have developed additional sections and sequence courses such as academy models, leveraging additional funding through CTE Foundation
  • Engineering and Make classes have been modeled after these programs in additional schools and districts, including Healdsburg High School, El Molino High School, and Cloverdale High School, leveraging additional funding through CTE Foundation
  • Career Exploration $80,000 ($16,000 to be allocated to CE in 2018)
  • Supported career exploration programs targeting middle school students countywide through Step Up Classes and Kuder Navigator online education and career planning system.
  • Kuder Navigator– Provided to middle school sites across the county, with site training by the Sonoma County Office of Education, as an important part of the career development continuum and to enhance interest and enrollment in Step-Up programs, career fairs and industry engagement. 
  • Step-Up Classes – Approximately 27 classes (2014-2017) were held over the three years promoting CTE classes in Culinary Arts, Project Make, Woodworking, Digital Media, Floral Design, Farm to Table and STEM.
  • Approximately 7,200 students across 16 middle schools are benefitting from the career development online tool, Kuder Navigator
  • 650 middle school students completed one week-step up classes(three years), introducing them to various CTE programs at their respective high schools